Taegeuk Ee Jung (Taegeuk 2)
Taegeuk 2 is the purple belt poomse of the WT curriculum.
New Technique - high-punch
New Technique - front-kick & punch
Joon Bi
Left hand back. Turn left (90°) walking stance down-block.
Step forward, forward stance punch.
Right hand back. Turn right (180°) walking stance down-block.
Step forward, forward stance punch.
Right hand behind your head. Turn left (90°) walking stance outside-in body block.
Left hand behind your head. Step forward walking stance outside-in body block.
Left hand back. Turn left (90°) walking stance down block.
Front kick, step into forward stance, high punch.
Right hand back. Turn right (180°) walking stance down block.
Front kick, step into forward stance, high punch.
Right hand over your left. Turn left (90°) walking stance high block (left-hand).
Left hand over your right. Step forward high-block (right-hand).
Right hand behind your head. Turn left (270°) walking stance outside-in body block.
Left hand behind your head. Turn right (180°) walking stance outside-in body block.
Left hand back. Turn left (90°) walking stance down-block.
Front kick, step forward punch.
Front kick, step forward punch.
Front kick, step forward punch. Ki-hap!
The main struggle for this poomse is the turning at number 13 and 14. This is the first time you do a 270°.